Sunday, November 18, 2012

When the Giver Becomes the Gift

Giving involves three things/concepts: the giver, the receiver and the gift. In every giving process, there is always a giver, the party that is offering a solution, a receiver, the party accepting what is been offered, and the gift, which is the offering. We have already established the fact that giving is beyond giving money; it could be giving a life, property, time, solutions, prayers, support, etc. there is a way we can give that our giving is only periodical, i.e. when we have what to give or when we come across someone in need. However, giving ought to be more than that. In other words, God designed everyone to become an eternal giver. At such, our existence continually gives, and even when we are gone, we still give. We are designed to give with every breath, every action, and always to people around us and to our generation. Friend, I submit to you that when we do with our lives exactly what we are supposed to do with it, then everything we do gives to others, in short, our existence becomes a gift. At this point, we the giver, becomes the gift. The best thing that can happen to any man is to live according to purpose. Living a purposeful life is living as a gift and living as a gift qualifies us for eternal celebration. In my honest opinion, true celebrities are those who spend their entire lives as gifts to humanity. The purpose of life itself is a gift from God that needs to be paid forward to our generation. What transforms a person from being just a giver to becoming a gift is discovering and utilizing your inherent gifts. T. D. Jakes in his book Reposition Yourself, said “…finding your gift is more than getting a degree.”

Examples of people whose lives became gifts are numerous. Abraham abandoned all to follow God to a place he never knew, believing the impossible. Moses, Samuel, David all gave their lives to us as gifts simply by living as God would have them live. Jesus Christ, our ultimate example was a gift from God to humanity. He is a typical example of a giver who became the gift for the universe. Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Ghandi, Mother Theresa are all examples of contemporary people who gave their lives as gifts. We celebrate these people today, not because of the awards they got, nor because of their location nor tribes. They are all examples of ordinary people who got to extraordinary heights because they gave their lives to the service of humanity. There is so much we can do now to help those in our immediate environment, but our best lies in discovering and fulfilling the purpose of our existence. It could be as simple as birthing a new cause or intercession. Are you confused about what your purpose is, then seek Him, your creator. He is the only one who knows you enough to tell you. I recommend to you a book by Rick Warren, one of my favourite authors, “The Purpose Driven Life” In this book, Rick noted: “if you want to know why you were born on this planet, you must begin with God. You were born by His purpose and for His purpose.”

In the words of George Bernard Shaw, “This is the true joy in life-that being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one. That being a force of nature, instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy. I am of the opinion that my life belong to the whole community and as long as I live it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die. For the harder I work, the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me. It’s a sort of splendid torch which I’ve got to hold up for the moment and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handling it on to future generations.(Source: The Seven Habit of Highly Effective People-Steven Covey)

Are you interested in living a life worth celebrating by generation yet unborn, then seek Him; find purpose, live your own life and become a gift worth celebrating. 

Excerpt from my book 'Life like a River©   
To get an e-copy of the book, send a request mail to

Saturday, October 27, 2012


One of the challenges our generation is faced with, perhaps, is the inability of many to spawn drive from within. In a world where everything is swift, profligate and debauched, including the beats of music; where people want everything to happen fast, now, within a flicker, it important we develop the habit/ability to reflect, think and generate energy from within, acknowledging our ultimate source.
Reflections, a book by Adeniran Bamisaye, is one of such highbrow poetic piece which helps for profound thinking and internal renewal, and more importantly, to address our value system as individuals and as a society.
This book, which contains over forty poems, full of inspirations and insights, addresses foundational issues of values, beliefs, marriage, success, as well as national issues such as education, patriotism, national development and so on.
It’s a good book to start a life long habit of reading, if you are new to reading; and if you are a skillful reader, it’s no doubt, a book that will sure help you reflect, and check your drive in life.Happy reading!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Joy in the Journey

I remember that point in my life when I was in search of myself; it was about the time I was going to be lost in the new exuberant life of college. At that time, I knew I couldn’t continue to live the way I was living; so deeply from within, I wanted more out of life and I yearned for personal development. It was at this point I met friends and mentors who ‘set me up’ along conduit of incessant personal discovery and awareness of where I was headed in life.

Among the few things that formed the foundation of what shaped my life was joining a network of friends, CAAVAC Circle of Friends. I was taught how to save, read, study, learn, and seek the ultimate relationship. I was also taught how to set goals for myself- thanks to that great organization that made this possible- (CCOF); a team of people who believes in rendering knowledge impacting services to themselves and the world around. I was taught that my external realities would always run to meet my internal veracity; and that goal setting is a potent psychological tool in positioning my mind for a desired future. I soon realized that setting goals was not as important as achieving them. So I tried and keep trying to achieve my continuously elaborate goals.

The satire of this, however, is the fact that for everyone who always set goals, we soon get to our goals only to realize that there is something more; and then we set higher goals again and again all in search of fulfillment. Most times, especially when we are diligent, our goal stretches us, and maybe breaks us; our mind expands while we dare the impossible; we unlearn old things to learn new ones; we cry a few times but we learn to sacrifice; at the end, we are nurtured. This is the point where we experience the most rewarding joy in the journey: that something changes in us.

An old adage says ‘no matter how tall your father was, you still have to do your own growing to do’…this is simply because the joy and the fun in life is not necessarily in the heights we attain nor the depth we explore, but in the process of growth that got us there. Little wonder why those who take short cut always return to their starting point because what keeps us at our destiny is the strength you gathered while trying to get there.

 I dare say, with all sense of obligation, that ‘whosoever has taught you how to set goals and achieve them, has taught you what it takes to grow.’ Many thanks to those God used to mentor and teach me in life; you are my idol and I celebrate you all.

This piece is dedicated to Akinola Babatunde, President/Founder of CCOF; and all members of this great network that provided me with a platform where I am free to make mistakes and learn for life.

To download the PDF format of this article, visit:

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Stay in the Process

Many a time, we are so inspired and motivated that we want to get to the desired future immediately, without earning it. At times like this, we hope a miracle would happen that would cause us to get it, a future we never worked for. Fine! You may be able to inherit it, but for our long would you keep what you never labored for?
At other times, our desires and longing for success are so strong that they become temptations for us to take the shortcut without realising that it’s the easiest way to cut short our lives.
A few of us sits at the corners of our rooms admiring success stories without paying attention to the story that took the hero from zero to success; at this point we get it all wrong and run without a vision. We run ahead of God and miss the process He intends to take us through.
No wonder our society is littered with many unbaked leaders, who were never followers nor trained; people who never led themselves successfully but attempting to lead a nation.
In his book ‘Repositioning Yourself’, T. D. Jakes said “I have come to realize that the destination is not the place where growth is attained and learning is a process, not a product.
There are certainly many ways to get to the top, but here is my point: ‘If you jump up, you would never stay up, but if you grow up, you would remain there.’
The only thing that can sustain us at any height in life is Character learnt only in the process of growth-the pains, tears, sweat and travails we experience as we strive to grow.
Gladwell Malcolm in his book, ‘The Outliers’ noted that ‘Practice isn’t what you do when you are good, it is what you do before you are good.’
So friends, the best route to the product we desire of your lives are the ‘processes’ that guarantees the product. I assure you; it is learning and building of character, so stay in the process.

Ten Commandments to live by

These beautiful words were once written as a true guide to life. One must read and try to understand the deep meanings in them.
They are like the Ten Commandments to follow in life all the times.
 1.) Prayer is not a "spare wheel" that you pull out when in trouble; it is a "steering wheel" that directs us in the right path throughout life.
2.) Do you know why a car's windshield is so large & the rear-view mirror is so small? Because our past is not as important as our future. Look ahead and move on.
3.) Friendship is like a book. It takes few seconds to burn, but it takes years to write.
4.) All things in life are temporary. If things are going well enjoy it--it will not last forever. If things are going wrong don't worry--they can't last long either.
5.) Old friends are like Gold. New friends are Diamonds. If you get a Diamond, don't forget the Gold, because to hold a Diamond, you always need a base of Gold!
6.) Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, God smiles from above and says, "Relax, sweetheart. It's just a bend, not the end!"
7.) When God solves your problems, you have faith in his abilities; when God doesn't solve your problems he has faith in your abilities.
8.) A blind person asked St. Anthony, "Can there be anything worse than losing eye sight?" He replied, "Yes, losing your vision."
9.) When you pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them; and sometimes, when you are safe and happy, remember that someone has prayed for you.
10.) Worrying does not take away tomorrow's troubles; it takes away today's peace.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Ask for What You Want!

'Ask for What You Want' is not just a motivational piece, it is one of the fundamental keys to success in life. It is the ability to analyze your life, identify what you have to do, those that can help you, and how to strategically approach them to get your desired result. There is a lot more we can make of our lives if we learn how to appropriately use the help of others .

Here are 5 important things we must develop before we approach others to ask for their help;
1. Attitude - always have the right attitude and expect the best. A 'No' is not a death sentence.
2. Skills - develop skills that helps, such as Communication, Negotiation, Soft skills, Diplomacy and tactfulness.
3. Knowledge - know what you want and don't beat around the bush. Do your research.
4. Offer Value - when making your request, what do you bring to the table, offer to do something in return, don't appear to be a liability.
5. Say 'thank you' - as simple as it sounds, it matters a lot. It is better to say it and not mean it than to mean it and not say it. Always say it and mean it.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

How to deliver your desires...

Hello friends......
Many of us have great desires-to have big cars, have a good home, have a good wife, get scholarships for our studies, own multinationals...the list is endless...
On the contrary, Life gives us only what we Deserve, and that is why it is what we sow that we reap in greater measures.
Don't panic friends, we can bridge the gap between our desires and what we Check this out:
"since life don't always deliver our desires but what we deserve, then we can beat life by deserving our desires." Justus Obaoye.

Never judge each day by the harvest you heap but by the seeds you sow.
See you later............